[gtkada] Generating event - storage error

Preben Randhol randhol+gtkada at pvv.org
Tue May 24 15:08:44 CEST 2005

Jeremy Berthet <jeremy.berthet at eivd.ch> wrote on 24/05/2005 (12:34) :
> Hello everyone,
> I'm actually working on a project at school to give simplified interface
> package for drawing line, rectangle, etc ... with ADA. The main idea is
> to write the package over the gtkada APIS.
> I have tried to generate an event from the executable code instead of
> waiting for the user to send it by a button or anything else.
> This is my code: 
>    -- Part of variables declaration
>    Mon_Dessin : Gtk_Drawing_Area;
>    Mon_Event  : Gdk_Event_Configure;


> Anyway, I've got a "STORAGE_ERROR: stack overflow" with this, although
> I've called Free(Mon_Event);.
> Can someone explain the problem ?

I don't know if I can help, but the Mon_Dessin is it made anywhere by
calling Gtk_New ? Could you supply more of the source code?


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