[gtkada] Get_Toplevel on transient windows

Thomas De Contes d.l.tDeContes at free.fr
Sun Mar 13 22:45:28 CET 2005

hi :-)

What about Get_Toplevel on transient windows ?
It seems to give the transient window itself, not its parent

I'm happy because that is what i need right now,

but it's not very clear :

"procedure Set_Transient_For
Specify that Window is a transient window.
*Parent is the toplevel window* of the application *to which Window 

"function Get_Toplevel
Return the toplevel ancestor of the widget.
This is the window or dialog in which the widget is included. *The 
widget returned does not have any parent.*"

so, can i be sure that i'll always get the transient window, with 
Get_Toplevel, never its parent ?

btw, what's the difference with Get_Parent_Window ?

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