[gtkada] problems with tree_model and gate

Stanislas Dalençon stanislas_dalencon at hotmail.fr
Mon Jun 6 09:07:33 CEST 2005

Sorry, for the previous mail...

Hi preben, i've found a way to make the "procedure 
On_Treeview1_Row_Expanded" to work :


procedure On_Tree_Data_Row_Expanded
     (Object : access Gtk_Tree_View_Record'Class;
      Params : Gtk.Arguments.Gtk_Args)
      Arg1 : Gtk_Tree_Iter;
      Arg2 : Gtk_Tree_Path := Gtk_Tree_Path (To_C_Proxy(Params, 2));
      Model : Gtk_Tree_Model := Get_Model(Sfrm_Add.Tree_Data);
      Arg1 := Get_Iter(Model,Arg2);

   end On_Tree_Data_Row_Expanded;


I got this problem too several weeks ago.. and finaly I found that glade 
code isn't correct at all.

I hop it'll help you ;)

Stanislas D. ,  French Student

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