[gtkada] Addressing external data in a GUI

Rick Duley 30294025 at student.murdoch.edu.au
Tue Jul 12 09:31:50 CEST 2005

Hi Michael

Sorry about taking so long to get back to you.  Been ill.

Your e-mail provided a valuable clue to a process which is slowly becoming
clearer.  However, in your code (below) you included the line:

> ID :=  Gtk.Main.Timeout_Add (500, Display_Status'access); -- call it
> every 500ms

Question:  What does 'ID' represent here?

"Professional qualitative judgement
    consists in knowing the rules
      for using (or occasionally breaking)
        the rules."
                             D. Royce Sadler
Rick Duley
Murdoch University
School of Engineering Science
Perth, Western Australia
aussie : 040 910 6049                .-_|\
o'seas : + 61 40 910 6049           /     \
                               perth *_.-._/

Quoting Michael Bode <michael.bode at laserline.de>:

> I do things like that using a protected type and a timer or idle procedure.
> In the worker package:
> type status_record is
>   -- status information
> end record;
> protected Status is
>     procedure set (S: status_record);
>     function get return status_record;
> end Status;
> and in the GUI package:
> function Display_Status return Boolean
> is
>   S : Status_Record;
> begin
>    Gdk.Threads.Enter;  -- timeout callback must call this
>    S := Some_Instance_of_Status.Get;
>    ...
>   Gdk.Threads.Leave; -- timeout callback must call this
>    return True;
> end Display_Status;
> ID :=  Gtk.Main.Timeout_Add (500, Display_Status'access); -- call it
> every 500ms
> Code not compiled, likely contains bugs.
> -- Michael Bode
> Laserline GmbH
> Fraunhoferstr.
> 56218 Mülheim-Kärlich
> Phone:     +49 2630 964-2200
> Fax:       +49 2630 964-2209
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