[gtkada] Using glade-2 effectively

Alex R. Mosteo alejandro at mosteo.com
Mon Jul 4 13:20:23 CEST 2005


After some time toying with GtkAda I've reached a point where I more or 
less have managed to understand and semi-forget the intricacies of 
handlers, signals, marshallers, etc. I know how to connect callback 
subprograms with proper user arguments and so. However, after some 
frustrating search for glade documentation in the web, I see that glade 
code generation is deprecated in favor of some libglade. More to the 
point, I don't know how to make glade generate the nice signal 
connections where you receive an Ada type as user argument.

As is, I only use Glade for the very basics, and I soon start to add 
everything else programmatically. I'm afraid I've missed something on 
proper usage of these tools so I'm doing the tedious work of signal 
connecting by hand.

If some of you have some advice for my further enlightment I will be 
very glad to hear it. Thanks in advance,

A. Mosteo.

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