[gtkada] GObject_Record is not limited ...

ThAnJuZo thanjuzo at free.fr
Mon Jan 31 20:53:31 CET 2005

Arnaud Charlet wrote:
> Why do you want to make it controlled as opposed to simply tagged limited
> record ?

Because it could be useful to handle finalization, for my own needs 
(stopping the embedded task, etc), and if ":=" is required (as you said 
it is for GtkAda), then I guess that each app requires a special one 
(duplicating referenced widgets, reparenting).

> And why is that a problem ? This sounds like exactly what you should do
> indeed.

I have done that and it works so "it is not a problem", but it is just 
more verbose (explicit new, etc) and my Widget derived type does not 
support affectation, but only a comment in the spec tells it, ":=" 
compiles and will never work.

Thierry Bernier

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