[gtkada] (no subject)

Mark Gawler MarkG at wler.co.uk
Thu Jan 20 08:43:41 CET 2005

Thanks for the info, and apologies for my inability to type a subject line.

I'm quite happy building from source, although I've never tried it under
windows. I'll try building against GNAT 5.02a1 first.

The Mail gremlins have well and truly been in action as the thread you
referred me to is marked a read in my mail box, I know I would have
remember reading it.


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark Gawler" <MarkG at wler.co.uk>
> To: <gtkada at lists.adacore.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:05 AM
> Subject: [gtkada] (no subject)
> I have an Application developted under Linux, which builds on NT with
> GtkAda 2.2.0. I have recently tried to build against GtkAda 2.4.0, but i
> get the following error:
> gnatbind --RTS=D:/Build/pentium-mingw32msv -E -I- -x selection_host.ali
> gnatlink selection_host.ali -g -LD:/Gtkada-2.4.0/include/gtkada -o
> d:\recording\selection_host\selection_host.exe
> D:/Gtkada-2.4.0/include/gtkada\libgtkada.a(misc.o.b)(.text+0x327f):
> undefined reference to `SetCursorPos at 8'
> gnatlink: cannot call C:\GNATPRO\.bin\gcc.exe
> gnatmake: *** link failed.
> Any suggestions to the problem?
> -- First sorry for the lack of > quoting the old message. Seems to have
> stopped working in my mailer (could have sworn it used to work).
> In any case. This was already detected soon after GtkAda-2.4.0 was
> released
> http://lists.adacore.com/pipermail/gtkada/2005-January/003170.html
> I believe this has been fixed in CVS. Probably not all that helpful to you
> unless you are comfortable building from source.
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