[gtkada] Would a patch be useful (gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data)
Jeffrey Creem
jeff at thecreems.com
Wed Jan 19 13:20:31 CET 2005
----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas De Contes" <d.l.tDeContes at free.fr>
To: "Jeffrey Creem" <jeff at thecreems.com>
Cc: <gtkada at lists.adacore.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: [gtkada] Would a patch be useful (gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data)
> If one had a file that was raw binary bytes of the form of a inline gdk
> data then something like this might be useful.
in any case i made that for another things,
the main thing is to have a tool to convert image files into the gdk
format :-)
how do you make that ?
A full gtk developer install includes a tool called :
That takes as input an image in a "standard" format such as PNG and produces
a C declaration
in the appropriate format. For now I am just building this C file and pragma
Importing the resulting
variable for use in the Ada side.
which talks about running this utility and making use of the result.
Which contains the API elements used in support of creating the
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