[gtkada] Would a patch be useful (gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data)
Jeffrey Creem
jeff at thecreems.com
Wed Jan 19 01:29:40 CET 2005
----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas De Contes" <d.l.tDeContes at free.fr>
if i'm right, what is the normal way to incorpore the data of the image
in our source code ?
i made that :
will it be easy to use gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data with such a "constant
Stream_Element_Array" ?
ps : for now this app is commented only in french,
does someone want to have it in english too ?
If I understand the french/ada correctly this code takes a file/stream and
turns it into "code" in the form of
a stream element array. This is useful at times but not for the gdk_pixbuf
feature. The problem is that this inline data is not
a standard jpeg or png (or any real file format) but rather it a custom
representation of the image that is specific to Gdk.
If one had a file that was raw binary bytes of the form of a inline gdk data
then something like this (again assuming I am
understanding it) might be useful.
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