[gtkada] Gdk.Pixbuf patch - inline data

Arnaud Charlet charlet at adacore.com
Tue Jan 18 14:07:19 CET 2005

> Hmm...Well first off I am (currently) building/testing this in win32 so the 
> symbol is certainly already present in the Gtk+
> .dlls that are included in GtkAda-2.4 for win32.

I now see this defined in gdk-pixbuf/
I was looking under gdk/*.h files, and explains how I missed it.

It's actually different from the _data function, and was indeed present in
at least Gtk+ 2.2, so this is fine.

> Also previously this symbol  gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline was explictly 
> mentioned as "missing" in the
> spec of gdk-pixbuf.ads so it was known at the time that that file was last 
> touched.

Not quite: new_from_data was mentioned, not _inline which is a more recent

Thanks for your feedback, looking forward your new patch.


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