[gtkada] Getting Parent Window from Gtk_Image_Menu_Item_Record

jeff at thecreems.com jeff at thecreems.com
Mon Jan 10 04:28:46 CET 2005

I am guessing that I am approaching this all wrong or that 
there must be a better way....but..

I used glade to design a window with a few menus. I want 
to have my program be able to have multiple copies of the 
window open at the same time. So far so good.

The problem comes in when I get callbacks from things like
Gtk_Image_Menu_Item_Record indicating that they are 
"activated". I'd like to be able to get back to my own 
type extended window record (the one that gate generates) 
given only the existing parameter to the callback.

I tried using something like:

     Parent_Window : 
Sensor_Data_Tool_Main_Pkg.Sensor_Data_Tool_Main_Access :=

but this fails with a constraint_error at run time (tag 
checked failed).

Is this even the right way to approach this problem or am 
I missing some obvious alternate approach?

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