[gtkada] "lock" the gui, to allow only the current window to interact

Thomas De Contes d.l.tDeContes at free.fr
Mon Feb 21 12:50:42 CET 2005

Le lundi, 21 fév 2005, à 12:04 Europe/Paris, Laurens Andre a écrit :

>> "procedure Set_Modal In cunjunction with Gtk.Main.Main,
> Just have a look on Gtk_File_Selection body and you'll have the answer 
> of "how to..."

the ada file ?
i've already seen it, i thought that all was built on ada widgets,
but all is c conversions :'(

but if it was made in ada then converted in c, i would like to get the 
ada version, i would have some enhancements to do when i'll have time 

> That's what I did (it's quite easy to understand how it works), and 
> with some copy-paste, you're done...

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