[gtkada] make an app in several languages

Michael Bode michael.bode at laserline.de
Wed Feb 9 08:45:54 CET 2005

Jacob Sparre Andersen schrieb:

>I think you're right.  GLADE generates a list of the strings
>used in a GUI designed with it.  And other strings I usually
>extract by hand.  It should be possible to write an ASIS
>based tool that does the job, but I haven't really felt the
>urge yet.

I think it would be better to write an extractor module for xgettext. I 
might try to do that, but please nobody should hold his breath :-)


Michael Bode
Laserline GmbH
56218 Mülheim-Kärlich
Phone:     +49 2630 964-2200
Fax:       +49 2630 964-2209

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