[gtkada] make an app in several languages

Michael Bode michael.bode at laserline.de
Tue Feb 8 15:57:08 CET 2005

Ludovic Brenta schrieb:

>Thomas De Contes writes:
>>what is the better way to make an app in several languages ?
>>is it with gettext ?
>>how do we use that ?
>Yes, use gettext.  See the package GtkAda.Intl which provides a thick
>binding to gettext.
How do you extract the .po files from Ada sources? As far as I've seen 
xgettext doesn't know Ada.

Michael Bode
Laserline GmbH
56218 Mülheim-Kärlich
Phone:     +49 2630 964-2200
Fax:       +49 2630 964-2209

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