[gtkada] Bug Report: Drag and Drop win32 - GtkAda-2.4.0

Jeffrey Creem jeff at thecreems.com
Thu Feb 3 02:38:21 CET 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Arnaud Charlet" <charlet at adacore.com>
To: <jeff at thecreems.com>
Cc: <gtkada at lists.adacore.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: [gtkada] Bug Report: Drag and Drop win32 - GtkAda-2.4.0

>> This looks to be a win32 specific problem (after spending
>> a little time comparing things in Fedora).
> This is most likely specific to the Gtk+ DLLs rather than GtkAda itself.
> I'd suggest trying with other DLLs.
> Arno

Figured as much but thought I'd get the report in anyway since this was with 
the GtkAda-2.4.0
win32 binary distribution dlls.

I just tried with the rc3 version of the 2.6.1 dlls 
 and the problem seems to be gone. So, at some future point
when 2.6 settles a little more on win32 looks like that will be gone. 

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