[gtkada] GtkAda home page refers to old Gtk docs

Rick Duley 30294025 at student.murdoch.edu.au
Thu Aug 4 02:41:22 CEST 2005

Hi all

How can I obtain a copy of the documentation of the Gtk+ reference 
manual (from
http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gtk/) as, for example, a compressed

I do not have internet connection on my own computer so I need to be able to
download the documentation and install it to run 'stand-alone' on my own

"Good sense about trivialities
          is better than nonsense
                 about things that matter."
                               Max Beerbohm
Rick Duley
Murdoch University
School of Engineering Science
Perth, Western Australia
aussie : 040 910 6049                .-_|\
o'seas : + 61 40 910 6049           /     \
                              perth *_.-._/

Quoting Niklas Holsti <niklas.holsti at tidorum.fi>:

> This is just a note for the maintainers of the GtkAda home page.
> While starting on my first GtkAda application (which is also my first 
> use of Gtk), I happened to notice that the links to the Gtk docs on 
> the GtkAda home page (http://libre.act-europe.fr/GtkAda/main.html) 
> point to old Gtk versions (prior to Gtk 2.0, it seems). Until I found 
> the current Gtk docs (at http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gtk/) 
> I was a bit confused about the relationship between Gtk and GtkAda...
> --
> Niklas Holsti
> Tidorum Ltd
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