[gtkada] libglade and Windows

graphics at curts.mailshell.com graphics at curts.mailshell.com
Wed Apr 27 17:11:03 CEST 2005

My experience thus far is the regeneration of the Ada code for the UI is 
not overly troublesome.  Do your code generation a directory separate 
from your main source directory, then copy the <UI>_pkg.ads & .adb to 
your main source directory.  Manually transfer any callback changes from 
the skeleton <UI>_pkg.callbacks.ads & .adb and callbacks_<UI>.ads to 
your customized versions.

Michael Bode wrote:

> Curt Schroeder schrieb:
>> I have also read that using libglade with GtkAda is frowned upon, 
>> because the use of libglade bypasses some of GtkAda's strong type 
>> checking. 
> Of course I will get problems @ run time if I define "SampleWidget" as a
> label in glade and try to use it as a button in my program, while the
> compiler would have told me @ compile time.
> OTOH the following line from GtkAda UG leaves me practically no
> alternative to libglade:
> "Under Win32 based systems, Gate will not attempt to merge changes.
> Instead, it will always regenerate and overwrite every file."
> So if I change the least bit of the UI in glade, it will generate a new
> "empty" skeleton of Ada code and all changes I've made to the code are 
> lost.

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