[gtkada] gtk

Thomas De Contes d.l.tDeContes at free.fr
Fri Sep 17 15:32:03 CEST 2004


here is what i can get with darwinports :

[tdecontes] essais% port search gtk
gtksql          databases/gtksql        0.3             Graphical query 
tool for PostgreSQL and/or MySQL
gtkglext        devel/gtkglext  1.0.6           OpenGL Extension to GTK
gtksourceview   gnome/gtksourceview     1.0.1           GtkSourceView 
is a text widget
libgtkhtml      gnome/libgtkhtml        2.6.1           Lightweight 
HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
libgtkhtml3     gnome/libgtkhtml3       3.1.12          GTK HTML 
rendering engine.
gauche-gtk      lang/gauche-gtk 0.4.1           Gauche extension module 
to use GTK
sylpheed-gtk2   mail/sylpheed-gtk2      0.9.12          GTK+2 port of 
the Sylpheed mail agent
gtk-gnutella    net/gtk-gnutella        0.93.3          GTK-based 
Gnutella client
p5-gtk2         perl/p5-gtk2    1.042           Bindings to Gtk+ library
py-gtk2         python/py-gtk2  2.3.92          PyGTK2 is the Python 
binding to GTK+ 2.x
py-gtkmvc       python/py-gtkmvc        0.9.0           
Model-View-Controller for PyGTK2
gtk-engines     x11/gtk-engines 0.12            Theme engine for GTK+
gtk-engines2    x11/gtk-engines2        2.2.0           Theme engine 
for gtk2
gtk+extra       x11/gtk-extra   0.99.17         Extra GTK+1 Widgets
gtk-sharp       x11/gtk-sharp   1.0             Gtk bindings for the 
Mono .NET Development Framework
gtk-smooth-engine       x11/gtk-smooth-engine   0.5.8           Smooth 
GTK2 Theme Engine
gtk-theme-switch        x11/gtk-theme-switch    2.0.0rc2        
command-line theme switcher for gtk2
gtk-thinice-engine      x11/gtk-thinice-engine  2.0.2           A 
simple, clean theme engine
gtk1            x11/gtk1        1.2.10          Gimp Tool Kit
gtk2            x11/gtk2        2.4.9           Gimp ToolKit version 2
gtk2-industrial x11/gtk2-industrial     1.0             Industrial GTK 
1 & 2 theme engine from the Ximian Artwork package.
gtkmm           x11/gtkmm       2.4.2           C++ interface to GTK+.
gtkmm1          x11/gtkmm1      1.2.8           C++ interface to GTK+, 
version 1.2.
lablgtk         x11/lablgtk     1.2.6           Objective Caml 
interface to gtk+
lablgtk2        x11/lablgtk2    20040319        Objective Caml 
interface to gtk+ 2.x
wxgtk           x11/wxgtk       2.4.2           The wxWindows GUI 
toolkit with GTK+ bindings
[tdecontes] essais%

what should i install to use gtkada ?
gtk+extra ?
gtk2 ?

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