[gtkada] errors at installation time (compilation of gtkada)
danielcheagle at ig.com.br
Tue Nov 23 23:03:25 CET 2004
Thomas De Contes escreveu:
>> ./configure --with-GL=no
>> I hope that is what you want.
> yes, it runs, thank you :-)
>> ahmm... i see this with one "./configure --help" in the root-tree of
>> gtkada src.
> ah, sorry
no problem.
> btw, which functionalities does i lost, without OpenGL ?
just for now I believe that lost the ability of use "gtkada-gl-area" and
suport "built-in" of open-gl in the library.(the opengl library is for
making accelerated 3D graphics. many graphics cards have built-in
support for opengl.). gtk-gl-area is a "window" where you can
expose graphics in opengl directly.
( Do have any workaround for expose opengl graphics in
gtkada without the builtin gtkada opengl support?)
> well, Nicolas ? Jim ?
> so, despite http://www.wright.edu/~john.matthews/gtk/lady.html , i
> should do
> ./configure --prefix=/Users/thomas/bin/autoinstall --with-GL=no
> instead of
> ./configure --prefix=/Users/thomas/bin/autoinstall
> --with-GL-prefix=/usr/X11R6
> ? is it right ?
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