[gtkada] errors at installation time (compilation of gtkada)

Nicolas Setton setton at adacore.com
Thu Nov 18 17:24:01 CET 2004

> i didn't do it, because of
> "The GtkAda repository is accessible read-only by anonymous CVS. Note 
> that you should only use the GtkAda cvs tree if you know what you are 
> doing and if using a development version (with possible instabilities) 
> does not frighten you."
> so, can you confirm me that there will be no pb ?

I cannot confirm that there is no pb with the CVS version, but I can 
confirm that the 2.2.1 release won't work with gtk+-2.4 in any case ;-)

> btw :
> "cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at libre.act-europe.fr:/anoncvs login
> empty password"
> can i do sth like
> cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at libre.act-europe.fr:/anoncvs login < /dev/null
> to make a script ?

Probably that won't even be necessary, since you only need to login 


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