[gtkada] Possible problem in Glib.Properties

Manuel Op de Coul manuel.op.de.coul at eon-benelux.com
Mon Nov 8 11:02:57 CET 2004

I had reported a segmentation fault in g_object_get_property as
a bug: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=157455
but got the response that it's highly unlikely a bug.
So I looked at the GtkAda binding to this routine which is
in the body of Glib.Properties:

   procedure Get
     (Object : System.Address; Name : Glib.Property; Value : in out
   pragma Import (C, Get, "g_object_get_property");
   --  Internal function to get the properties

Now Glib.Property is a new String which means an Ada string is
passed to C without being interfaced properly, in the body
of Glib.Properties.Get_Property:

      Get (Get_Object (Object), Property (Name), Value);


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