[gtkada] Wrong color...

Markus mb592923 at bahnhofbredband.se
Tue Nov 2 21:17:16 CET 2004

I'm trying to get the color right for my drawing but it seems to be  
incredible complicated. I just can't get it working. Anyone who can tell  
me what I'm doing wrong... please?

This is how I try to do... Draw a, e.g., black line onto a, e.g., white  


    Gra_Con      : Gdk.Gc.Gdk_Gc;
    Pixmap       : Gdk.Pixmap.Gdk_Pixmap;

    function Configure_Event (
          Drawing_Area : access Gtk_Drawing_Area_Record'Class )
      return Boolean is
       Win    : Gdk_Window;
       Width  : Gint;
       Height : Gint;

       Col_Map      : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap;
       Gra_Con_Vals : Gdk.Gc.Gdk_Gc_Values;
       Colors       : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color_Array (1 .. 2);
       Bool_Arr     : Boolean_Array (1 .. 2);
       Res          : Gint;

       Win := Get_Window (Drawing_Area);
       Get_Size (Win, Width, Height);

       Gdk.Pixmap.Gdk_New (Pixmap, Win, Width, Height, -1);
       Col_Map := Gtk.Widget.Get_Default_Colormap;
       Gra_Con_Vals := Gdk_New;
       Colors(1) := White(Col_Map);
       Colors(2) := Black(Col_Map);

          Colormap   => Col_Map,
          Colors     => Colors,
          Writeable  => False,
          Best_Match => True,
          Success    => Bool_Arr,
          Result     => Res);

       if Bool_Arr(1)=False or Bool_Arr(2)=False then
          Put_Line("ERROR Can not allocate color! Res=" & Gint'Image(Res));
       end if;

       Set_Background(Gra_Con_Vals, Colors(1));
       Set_Foreground(Gra_Con_Vals, Colors(2));
          Values     => Gra_Con_Vals,
          Line_Width => 0,
          Line_Style => Line_Solid,
          Cap_Style  => Cap_Round,
          Join_Style => Join_Round);

          Gc          => Gra_Con,
          Drawable    => Get_Window (Drawing_Area),
          Values      => Gra_Con_Vals,
          Values_Mask => Gc_Foreground or Gc_Background or
          Gc_Line_Width or Gc_Line_Style or Gc_Cap_Style or Gc_Join_Style);

       Draw_Rectangle (Pixmap, Gra_Con,
          True, 0, 0, Width, Height);
       Draw_Line(Drawable => Pixmap, Gc => Gra_Con,
          X1 => 0, Y1 => 0, X2 => 100, Y2 => 100);

       return True;
    end Configure_Event;

    -- EXPOSE EVENT --
    function Expose_Event (
          Drawing_Area : access Gtk_Drawing_Area_Record'Class;
          Event        : in     Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event            )
      return Boolean is
       Area : Gdk_Rectangle := Get_Area (Event);
          Pixmap, Area.X, Area.Y, Area.X, Area.Y,
          Gint(Area.Width), Gint(Area.Height));

       return True;
    end Expose_Event;


This gives me nothing but a greenish rectangle (possibly with a greenish  
line in it). Why???? I expected a black line on a white background. Any  
ideas would be highly appreciated!


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