oops...I'm sorry for my mispelling...Re: [gtkada] hi! two errors in cvs :-)

Dani danielcheagle at ig.com.br
Sat May 22 01:48:43 CEST 2004

Ludovic Brenta wrote:

>Dani writes:
>>ps.: :-) I known that the cvs is "unstable" , but I like yours excelent
>>work and the cvs version
>>in linux always worked for me, and the pre-packaged gtkada for debian
>>"urge"  'gnat' and all
>>gnat's dependency's but I like better the  Ada 'gcc' version. :-)
>Do you mean GCC 3.3, which is also in Debian?  Even ACT admit that it
>is of "experimental" quality; only GCC 3.4 is good enough to be an
>alternative to GNAT 3.15p.
Hi! thank's for your response and the hint:-)

[]'s Dani:-)

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