[gtkada] Gtkada-2.2.0

Arnaud Charlet charlet at ACT-Europe.FR
Mon Mar 29 17:56:51 CEST 2004

> I am trying to build the RAPID program.  I am having trouble with the
> gtk_peer because there is no definition of Root_Type_Access.
> It is supposed to be defined in Gtk.ads, and is not.  What should it be?

Sounds like your version of Rapid depends on GtkAda 1.2

With GtkAda 2, the corresponding type is Glib.GObject

I'd suggest you contact the Rapid authors, since it's a Rapid issue,
not a GtkAda isue, or check whether Rapid has been ported to GtkAda 2,
or simply use Glade 2 instead.


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