[gtkada] gtk_widget_destroy

Jean-Etienne Doucet doucet at laas.fr
Mon Mar 22 15:56:03 CET 2004

From: Karim Halioui <Karim.Halioui at stage.cnes.fr>
| hello!
| I have seen in gtk-widget.ads that gtk_widget_destroy is missing!
| how can I destroy a widget?
| thanks!
| _______________________________________________

I use Destroy_cb (in Gtk.Widget) for that:

   procedure Destroy_Cb (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
   --  This function should be used as a callback to destroy a widget.
   --  All it does is call Destroy on its argument, but its profile is
   --  compatible with the handlers found in Gtk.Handlers.

Works well (or so it seems), but it may not be the cleanest way...


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