[gtkada] GtkAda-2.2.X with Gtk+-2.4 -- More information

Ludovic Brenta <ludovic.brenta@insalien.org> ludovic.brenta at tiscali.be
Thu Jun 17 14:12:22 CEST 2004

Arnaud Charlet wrote:
>> Here is the patch set that fixes the name collision for the gtkextra
>> gtkcombobox .
>That's great. Patch looks fine to me, thanks.
>We'll work on integrating it in CVS.

Yes, that is great.

GTK+ 2.4 is poised to enter Debian testing today; as I understand it,
it will break GtkAda 2.2.1, which I maintain.  By this, I mean that
anyone attempting to rebuild GtkAda on Debian will get compile-time
errors, and will accordingly file a release-critical bug.  Note that
there are "buildd" servers all over the world doing automated rebuilds
on various platforms, so I _do_ expect a release-critical bug sooner
or later.

I would like to avoid this situation by uploading an update to GtkAda
for use with GTK+ 2.4 as soon as possible (ideally in the next couple
of weeks).  I could:

- apply Jeffrey's patch to GtkAda 2.2.1 - but this poses a minor
  maintenance problem, which I have to solve by placing the patch in a
  separate file.  Also, this effectively creates a Debian-specific
  fork of GtkAda, which I would prever to avoid.

- package a newer GtkAda from the CVS repository after you integrate
  Jeffrey's patch, but this would not be an officially released
  version, and in Debian I aim for maximum reliability, not for

- wait for the next public release of GtkAda.

Which course of action do you recommend?  Thanks for your insight.

Ludovic Brenta.

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