[gtkada] [compiling] Problem with misc_extra.c when compiling GtkAda 2.2.x( with GtK2.4)

Dani danielcheagle at ig.com.br
Fri Jun 4 01:41:18 CEST 2004

Arnaud Charlet wrote:

>>in the list's historic there are this question, but no public solucion.:-( 
>The solution is to port this gtkextra code to Gtk+ 2.4 if you want it to
>compile :-)
>Constributions are welcome.
    Uau! :-) I agree helping in the port of GtkAda to version 2.4.x :-) 
I going to
dissect the code of Gtk2.2.x e GtkAda 2.2.x to understanding more
profoundly the code and then I go to dissect the code of the Gtk2.4.x 
:-) and
wrote Code to new version (Eba!:-) GtkAda2.4.x.  I will try Hard 
(and I Thought......Why not? :-)

[]'s of seventy turns,Dani:-)

p.s.: and the God bless we.:-)

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