[gtkada] Distributing a GTKAda application

Arnaud Charlet charlet at ACT-Europe.FR
Mon Jul 26 15:43:40 CEST 2004

> My concern is for Linux: you must install the .so in the appropriate
> directory, maybe run ldconfig, maybe establish symbolic links to fit the
> various schemes of version numbers, etc... Without breaking what could
> be already installed.

For linux that's even simpler: Gtk+ is part of the linux distributions,
so simply do not distribute the Gtk+ DLLs and link with the static libgtkada
(using gtkada-config --static). My answer was specifically for Windows.

Although under Linux, simply using LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not require anything
fancy as you listed above, so that's really a non issue as well, even when
needed (you could have a look at how we do it for GPS for instance).


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