[gtkada] Administrative: change of behavior of the list

Stephen Leake stephen_leake at acm.org
Sat Jan 24 02:53:22 CET 2004

Ludovic Brenta <ludovic.brenta at insalien.org> writes:

> Stephen Leake <stephen_leake at acm.org> writes:
> > In Emacs Gnus, I can set a group parameter to set the reply address
> > independently of what the incoming messages say. Very handy for things
> > like this.
> I use gnus too, and I don't have to configure anything.  I just hit F
> (for "Follow up and yank").  The OP is in the To: field and the list
> is in the CC: field, like in this message.
> Do you use gnus differently that you had to tweak something?  Perhaps
> in order that the OP not receive the reply twice?

Right. I don't like getting two copies of a reply, so I make sure I
don't send two copies of a reply.

-- Stephe

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