[gtkada] Administrative: change of behavior of the list

Alejandro. R. Mosteo Chagoyen alejandro at mosteo.com
Fri Jan 23 09:36:34 CET 2004

Dicho por Stephen Leake:
> Preben Randhol <randhol at pvv.org> writes:

>> Personally I use mutt and mutt fixes this behaviour. I can even change
>> the Reply-To field, but for all the others out there... 

> People should use good tools. That includes mail programs. mutt and
> Emacs Gnus do this right. Anyone else using a good mail program?

Not that I disagree with using configurable software, but when we have
the choice between a setup which requires zero work on our part and
another setup which requires us to be constantly behaving differently
(i.e: not simply clicking reply) *or* tweaking your email client, I
think that blaming the client is... an excuse to promote the software
you like, but not a real argument about the choice of setup.


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