[gtkada] stand-alone executable

Peter Hermann ica2ph at csv.ica.uni-stuttgart.de
Mon Jan 12 11:59:00 CET 2004

Somebody (I am sorry to have lost the name, pardon) said:
"No static libraries are provided currently,
so you can't create a static version
of your application and you will have to
use the dynamic libraries."

Does this mean, that a GtkAda-using application under Windows2000
can be delivered with just a couple of *.DLL-files to be copied
into a directory, which is mentioned in the PATH (e.g. system32) ?

If yes, which DLL-files?


If yes, this may be a tolerable burden in contrast to the
need of an extra installation step of a whole system like tcl/tk .
An own installator-executable could be easily setup (e.g. by means of GKware).

I would be thankful for a response.

--Peter Hermann(49)0711-685-3611 fax3758 ica2ph at csv.ica.uni-stuttgart.de
--Pfaffenwaldring 27 Raum 114, D-70569 Stuttgart Uni Computeranwendungen
--Team Ada: "C'mon people let the world begin" (Paul McCartney)

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