[gtkada] Initialize_Widget procedure broken?

Julio Jiménez jujibo at inicia.es
Sun Apr 18 20:48:42 CEST 2004

Hi all!

When testing the gtkdial example I get:

raised PROGRAM_ERROR : gtk-widget.adb:622

investigating it, i found in gtk-widget body file that this procedure 
only raise the program_error exception. All others lines are comented.

   procedure Initialize_Widget (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is
      --  XXX function Internal
      --    (The_Type : in Gtk_Type;
      --     Nargs    : in Guint;
      --     Args     : System.Address) return System.Address;
      --  pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_widget_newv");
      raise Program_Error;
      --  Set_Object (Widget, Internal (Get_Type, 0, System.Null_Address));
   end Initialize_Widget;

Is this procedure broken or it's simply a bug in the source code?


Julio Jiménez

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