[gtkada] More problems with tooltips

jmluengo at gmv.es jmluengo at gmv.es
Wed Nov 12 15:25:51 CET 2003

Hi again,

   I would must write a book called : "Tooltips and I, a GTKADA terror 
history" ;-) Now I'm trying to put tooltips in the Menu Items that are placed 
in top of Menu Bar components but the tooltips are not showed.

   An example of this problem:

  Vbox1 : Gtk_Vbox;
  Menubar1 : Gtk_Menu_Bar;
  Menuitem1 : Gtk_Menu_Item;
  Label_Menuitem1 : Gtk_Label;
  Eventbox1 : Gtk_Event_Box;
  Menuitem1_Menu : Gtk_Menu;
  New1 : Gtk_Image_Menu_Item;
  Tooltips : Gtk_Tooltips;



   Gtk_New (Menubar1);
      Expand  => False,
      Fill    => False,
      Padding => 0);

   Gtk_New (Tooltips);

   Gtk_New (Menuitem1);
   Gtk_New (Label_Menuitem1, "File");
   Add (Menuitem1, Label_Menuitem1);
   Append (Menubar1, Menuitem1);
   Set_Tip (Tooltips, Menuitem1, "F1: This is the File menu");

   Gtk_New (Menuitem1_Menu);
   Set_Submenu (Menuitem1, Menuitem1_Menu);

   -- In this Gtk_Menu_Item the tooltip is showed
   Gtk_New_From_Stock (New1, "gtk-new");
     (New1, "activate",
      Image_Menu_Item_Callback.To_Marshaller (On_New1_Activate'Access), False);
   Append (Menuitem1_Menu, New1);

   Set_Tip (Tooltips, New1, "This is the New menu item");



    Someone have the same problem and found a solution?

    Thanks in advance,

Juan Manuel Luengo González
<jmluengo at gmv.es>
Defense Business Unit, Simulations and Avionics
Grupo Empresarial GMV, S.A.
C\ Isaac Newton, 11
Tres Cantos

Correo enviado gracias a Grupo GMV

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