[gtkada] portability of gtk

chris.danx chris.danx at ntlworld.com
Wed May 7 13:37:21 CEST 2003

Thomas De Contes wrote:
> hi everybody :-)
> for a work experience, i have to make a program which is portable on a 
> maximum of different OS
> on the french ada list, men told me that gtk was a good solution, but 
> need confirmation
> so can you confirm that gtk runs on all windows and on all unixes, please ?

There is a discussion on the gtk+ list about Gtks portability.  They 
reckon 2.2xx runs fine on windows and 2.0xx doesn't.  So if you're gonna 
build gtkada for windows it might be a good idea to use gtk 2.2 not 2.0 
and build gtkada on top of that.  I can't say for sure that it will work 
on windows, someone else will probably know, but it worked fine on Linux 
  with the cvs version of gtkada.


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