[gtkada] UTF-8 in GtkAda 2.0

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Thu Mar 27 11:59:35 CET 2003

Emmanuel Briot <briot at ACT-Europe.FR> wrote on 27/03/2003 (11:41) :
> You are totally confusing the issues here. An Ada string is just that:
> a series of bytes. The signification of the bytes is left to the
> subprogram to which you are passing the string, in this case gtk+.

But if I have a program which accepts input of several different
encodings and I get/set the string from a GEntry widget what is
returned/expected. Is it utf-8 strings? 

Second question: With a normal Latin1 (or Latin7 etc...) string : "the
house", I can say noun (5 .. noun'last) to only get "house", but if it
is in utf-8 then I must convert the string from uft-8 to Latin1 (or
Latin7 etc...) before I can do this right? If I split a utf-8 string in
the wrong place they won't make any sense. Have I understood it

I need more or less to make a :

   type Word_String is
         String : Unbounded_String;
         Encoding : Encoding_Type;
      end record;

to keep track of which encoding the string is in?

Third question:

What happens if I have two utf-8 strings an concate them? I mean :
"the " and  "house" and you do 

   noun :string := "the " & "house"

will this always produce a valid utf-8 string or can on risk that is is

Preben Randhol ------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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