[gtkada] UTF-8 in GtkAda 2.0

Laurent Guerby guerby at acm.org
Wed Mar 26 19:32:09 CET 2003

On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 17:50, Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote:
> ppose I will just have to maintain my own version
> > >of GtkAda (or binding to GtkAda), if the GtkAda
> > >maintainers really disagree with my interpretation of the
> > >LRM.
> >
> > I can imagine better things to do with one's time.
> Me too.  But keeping track of which objects of type
> Ada.String are encoded with ISO-8859-1 and which are encoded
> with UTF-8 is also a rather annoying way to spend my time.

subtype UTF8_String is String;
subtype Latin_1_String is String;

> Greetings,

Have a good day,

> Jacob
Laurent Guerby <guerby at acm.org>

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