[gtkada] Compilation bug...

Jacob Sparre Andersen sparre at nbi.dk
Wed Mar 26 16:27:40 CET 2003

Frode Tennebø wrote:

> If I compile GtkAda with debug information enabled (-g), I
> get this for one file:
> gcc -c -I../ -O2 -gnatn -gnatws -g -fPIC -I- ../gtk-arguments.adb
> +===========================GNAT BUG DETECTED==============================+
> | 3.2 20020903 (3.2-7) (i386-redhat-linux-gnu) GCC error:                  |
> I can disable compiling with debug information for this
> file, compile the rest with and everything works as
> expected.
> GtkAda or GCC bug?

Definitely an error in GCC.  I can't tell for sure if it
also is an error in GtkAda, but I don't think so.

"Very small. Go to sleep" - monster (not drooling)

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