[gtkada] Changing the color of a label
Jean-Etienne Doucet
doucet at laas.fr
Tue Jun 24 11:49:20 CEST 2003
From: "Jean-Pierre Rosen" <rosen.adalog at wanadoo.fr>
| > 1) [Gtkada 2.0]
| I want Windows compatibility, so I'm under 1.x
| > 2) [GtkAda 1.X-2.0] put a Evenbox first and then put the label in the
| > Eventbox. Now you can set the background of the Eventbox. Labels
| > don't have backgrounds. (I think this works in GtkAda 2.0 too, but
| > I haven't checked.)
| >
| > Example for GtkAda 1.x:
| >
| > Gtk_New (Background_Eventbox);
| > Set_Border_Width (Background_Eventbox, 1);
| > Add (Some_Box, Background_Eventbox);
| >
| > Gtk_New (Title_Label, "Title");
| > Set_Alignment (Title_Label, 0.0, 0.5);
| > Set_Justify (Title_Label, Justify_Left);
| > Set_Padding (Title_Label, 3, 1);
| > Set_Line_Wrap (Title_Label, False);
| > Add (Background_Eventbox, Title_Label);
| I thought an EventBox was for attaching events, but why not...
| Until this point, I understand.
| > Background_Eventbox_Style :=
| > Copy (Get_Style (Background_Eventbox));
| >
| > -- Now you can set the background colour on the Eventbox.
| ?? I'm lost here. What is this Background_Eventbox_Style variable?
| And how can I set the background colour of the EventBox? I didn't find a
| procedure for that in the RM...
Thw whole thing should look like this:
with Gtk.Main; use Gtk.Main;
with Gtk.Widget; use Gtk.Widget;
with Gtk.Window; use Gtk.Window;
with Gtk.Box; use Gtk.Box;
with Gtk.Event_Box; use Gtk.Event_Box;
with Gtk.Label; use Gtk.Label;
with Gtk.Style; use Gtk.Style;
with Gtk.Enums; use Gtk.Enums;
with Gdk.Color; use Gdk.Color;
procedure Fond_Blanc is
Window : Gtk_Window;
Boite : Gtk_Box;
Ev_Box : Gtk_Event_Box;
Label : Gtk_Label;
Blanc : Gtk_Style;
begin -- Fond_Blanc
-- create a style with white background
Blanc := Copy(Get_Default_Style);
Set_Background (Blanc, State_Normal, White(Get_System));
Gtk_New (Window);
Gtk_New_Vbox (Boite);
Add (Window, Boite);
Gtk_New (Label, "Fond gris");
Add (Boite, Label);
Set_Padding (Label, 20, 10);
-- make the "white" style the current style
Push_Style (Blanc);
-- create the event box (with the white style)
Gtk_New (Ev_Box);
Add (Boite, Ev_Box);
Gtk_New (Label, "Fond blanc");
Add (Ev_Box, Label);
Set_Padding (Label, 20, 10);
-- return to the preceding style
Gtk_New (Label, "Fond gris");
Add (Boite, Label);
Set_Padding (Label, 20, 10);
Show_All (Window);
end Fond_Blanc;
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