[gtkada] [ANNOUNCE] LinXtris 0.1a - A Tetris Clone

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Thu Jun 19 12:31:21 CEST 2003

duliomatos <duliomatos at bol.com.br> wrote on 19/06/2003 (11:09) :
> Hi,
> I just released the initial version of
> a Tetris clone written in GtkAda.
> Check it out at
> http://linxtris.sourceforge.net/.
> Hope you enjoy!

Great! I like it. I have only one comment about the Makefile.

I see that you are doing:

   gnatmake -O2 src/linxtris.adb -gnatp `gtkada-config`

I guess you are suppressing all checks to make a smaller binary?
If so you should also do: 

   gnatmake -O2 src/linxtris.adb -gnatp `gtkada-config` \
      -bargs -shared -largs -s

because this will strip your executable.

Keep up the good work!

You should add linxtris to www.freshmeat.net too.

Preben Randhol -------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/Ada95 --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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