[gtkada] Problem with signal handling

mauricio at solucioninformatica.com mauricio at solucioninformatica.com
Sun Jun 8 23:24:23 CEST 2003

Hi, I'm used to use gtk with C, but now I'm using Ada instead of C, but 
I having some troubles with handlers and marshallers. The info at the 
reference manual is not clear enough for me :(

I'm extended the combo widget so when you typed in the entry field 
search the entered text in the Glist of the combo, and if there is a 
match, then "auto-complete" the text in the entry (if anyone have a 
widget like this, please let me know).

The problem that I have is when I try to handle the entry's 
"insert_text" signal, because the reference manual say that the 
procedure to handle the signal must be of the following type:

procedure Handler(Widget: access Gtk_Editable_Record'Class; Text : in 
String; Length : Gint; Position : in Gint_Access);

but when I try to attach the signal with my handler function using 
My_Object.Connect(...; To_Marshaller(My_Handler'Access); ...);
I get something like "No match in parameter list" or something. Does any 
one have a tutorial or example in this subject? How should I deal with 
this? Thanks for the help.

Mauricio Tellez

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