[gtkada] portability of gtk

Jean-Etienne Doucet doucet at laas.fr
Fri Jun 6 10:32:47 CEST 2003

From: Emmanuel Briot <briot at act-europe.fr>
| Nothing to do with the GtkAda or gtk+ teams.
| If the system doesn't have the file rgb.txt that describes the match
| between color names and components, it's not going to invent them.
| We use Parse even on windows, except we don't use color names, just
| thinks like "#010203".

the (little) problem I've noticed with Parse on Windows was not
with using color names, but color values (in Hex).
So I've changed 
   Jaune := Parse("rgb:FFFF/ABCD/0000");
   Set_RGB (Jaune, 16#FFFF#, 16#ABCD#, 16#0000#);
Not much ado.

| You'll have to test your application on the various systems anyway. Even
| if GtkAda itself is pretty portable, your code might have some
| system-specific features in some places you haven't expected, so nothing
| beats testing.


| Emmanuel
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