[gtkada] Tags and Text Colours?

chris.danx chris.danx at ntlworld.com
Thu Jun 5 01:01:25 CEST 2003


How do you work with tags?  I know gtkada has no binding to create_tag 
because of multiple args, however all the examples on how to work with 
this use this function.  What I don't understand is how when the tag is 
applied it actually does anything.  The following code is a partially 
converted version of the example given at


I also can't find a method/subroutine matching gtk_widget_modify_text in 
Gtk.  How do you change the colour of the text?  All code is given at 
the bottom but this is the relevant section...

    procedure Initialize (Window : access Txt_View_Window_Record'Class) is
       Gtk.Window.Initialize (Window, Window_TopLevel);
       Set_Title (Window, "Text_View Example");

       Gtk_New (Window.View);
       Add (Window, Window.View);

       -- get buffer associated with View and
       -- put some text in it.
       Window.Buffer := Get_Buffer(Window.View);
       Set_Text (Window.Buffer, "Hello, this is some text");

       -- change font
       Window.PFont := Pango.Font.From_String ("Serif 15");
       Modify_Font (Window.View, Window.PFont);

       Set_Left_Margin (Window.View, 30);

          Green  : Gdk_Color;
          Tag    : Gtk_Text_Tag;
          Start  : Gtk_Text_Iter;
          Finish : Gtk_Text_Iter;
          -- change text colour??? how???
          -- Modify_Text (Window.View, Normal, Green);

          Gtk_New (Tag, "blue");
          Add (Get_Tag_Table(Window.Buffer), Tag);

          Get_Iter_At_Offset (Window.Buffer, Start, 7);
          Get_Iter_At_Offset (Window.Buffer, Finish, 12);
          Apply_Tag (Window.Buffer, Tag, Start, Finish);

       Show (Window.View);
    end Initialize;


-- txtview.adb
with Text_View_Window;        use Text_View_Window;
with Gtk.Main;                use Gtk.Main;

procedure TxtView is
    Window : Txt_View_Window;


end TxtView;

-- text_view_window.ads
with Gtk.Window;        use Gtk.Window;
with Gtk.Text_View;     use Gtk.Text_View;
with Gtk.Text_Buffer;   use Gtk.Text_Buffer;

with Pango.Font;        use Pango.Font;

package Text_View_Window is

    type Txt_View_Window_Record
       is new Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window_Record with record

          View   : Gtk_Text_View;
          Buffer : Gtk_Text_Buffer;
          PFont   : Pango_Font_Description;
       end record;

    type Txt_View_Window is access all Txt_View_Window_Record'Class;

    procedure Gtk_New (Window : out Txt_View_Window);
    procedure Initialize (Window : access Txt_View_Window_Record'Class);

end Text_View_Window;

-- text_view_window.adb
with Gdk.Color;              use Gdk.Color;

with Gtk.Enums;              use Gtk.Enums;
with Gtk.Text_Iter;          use Gtk.Text_Iter;
with Gtk.Text_Tag;           use Gtk.Text_Tag;
with Gtk.Text_Tag_Table;     use Gtk.Text_Tag_Table;

package body Text_View_Window is

    procedure Gtk_New (Window : out Txt_View_Window) is
       Window := new Txt_View_Window_Record;
       Text_View_Window.Initialize (Window);
    end Gtk_New;

    procedure Initialize (Window : access Txt_View_Window_Record'Class) is
       Gtk.Window.Initialize (Window, Window_TopLevel);
       Set_Title (Window, "Text_View Example");

       Gtk_New (Window.View);
       Add (Window, Window.View);

       -- get buffer associated with View and
       -- put some text in it.
       Window.Buffer := Get_Buffer(Window.View);
       Set_Text (Window.Buffer, "Hello, this is some text");

       -- change font
       Window.PFont := Pango.Font.From_String ("Serif 15");
       Modify_Font (Window.View, Window.PFont);

       Set_Left_Margin (Window.View, 30);

          Green  : Gdk_Color;
          Tag    : Gtk_Text_Tag;
          Start  : Gtk_Text_Iter;
          Finish : Gtk_Text_Iter;
          -- change text colour
          Modify_Text (Window.View, Normal, Green);

          Gtk_New (Tag, "blue");
          Add (Get_Tag_Table(Window.Buffer), Tag);

          Get_Iter_At_Offset (Window.Buffer, Start, 7);
          Get_Iter_At_Offset (Window.Buffer, Finish, 12);
          Apply_Tag (Window.Buffer, Tag, Start, Finish);

       Show (Window.View);
    end Initialize;

end Text_View_Window;

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