[gtkada] Two newbie questions

Stephane Riviere stephane at rochebrune.org
Tue Jun 3 22:53:41 CEST 2003

>>>* In the ACT papers about GtkAda it says: "Pluggable look & feel". I
>>>don't see any example about that, or further explanation. What this
>>>mean exactly? Can an application look native on windows?
>>With Gtk 1.3, I've tried without success many times and many ways. May
>>be someone else has succeed ?
> However it works on Linux.

Yes, but I guess gtk theme are very interesting under windows in order 
to obtain a better look and feel (from a windows user point of view).

Now I remember I've put at work the redmond95 gtk theme
from the gimp for windows (compiled with Gtk 1) with success.

But it did not work with GtkAda 1 for windows. The Gtk libs are 
differents (size and date).

Stephane Riviere (Oleron Island)

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