[gtkada] Set_Foreground

Manuel Op de Coul manuel.op.de.coul at eon-benelux.com
Mon Jul 21 12:37:50 CEST 2003

Preben wrote:
>Ah sorry thought it was a label. OK I see the same problem as you with a
>small test here. But I think you have to use Pango_Layout to get this to

But it worked before, and I don't see why I'd want to use a layout on a 
simple single line text entry or what it has to do with the colour.

I hope the GtkAda people are convinced that it is a bug. I'd like to
know whether it's a GtkAda bug or a gtk+ bug, in the latter case I can
report it to bugzilla, but I need to know the C function.


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