[gtkada] Errors compiling

Albert Silver silver at ajato.com.br
Fri Jul 11 19:25:06 CEST 2003


	I downloaded and installed GtkAda and built it for Windows with
GNAT (public release) according to the instructions. It seems to have
worked but I noticed a few errors that occurred which I am forwarding to
you. These appeared during the compilation.

gtk-extra-sheet.adb:1472:07: warning pragma Unreferenced given for "S"
gtk-glade.adb:581:07: warning: pragma Unreferenced given for
gtkada-mdi.adb:760:13: warning: pragma Unreferenced given for "Tmp"
gtkada-mdi.adb:884:10: warning: pragma Unreferenced given for "Tmp"

					Best regards,

						Albert Silver

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