[gtkada] Pb with Pango.Font and Gdk.Font

Emmanuel Briot briot at act-europe.fr
Wed Jul 9 12:28:45 CEST 2003

On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 12:23, Sami EVANGELISTA wrote:
> In fact i want to draw fonts on a gdk_drawable and get width and
> heights of drawn strings.
> Can this be done by directly manipulating pango object?
> I didnt find the appropriate functions.

Yes, this is all done through Pango_Layout. Have a look for instance at
GtkAda.Canvas, which does exactly that, and doesn't use Gdk_Font.
This is completely new in GtkAda2.2, and didn't work with 1.2, where one
indeed had to use Gdk_Font.
But well worth the porting effort, since the drawing of fonts is much
cleaner, especially if you are playing with the sizes...

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