[gtkada] SOS

Adrian Knoth adi at drcomp.erfurt.thur.de
Sun Jul 6 02:24:25 CEST 2003

On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 10:05:57PM +0200, JOL wrote:

> Je suis espagnol et je ne parle pas le anglais, sorry.

I don't have the solution (I don't even have Windows at all, perhaps
there's an environment-variable missing or something like that.

But I'll translate the problem for the others on this ML into english:

> Mon probleme est que je puis compiler un software avec Windows XP et gtkAda 
> 2.2, mais quand je veux le executer, il y a un error: ne se troube pas une 
> dll necesarie.
> Mon path=C:\archiv~1\gtkada-2.2.0\bin mais malgre ça il ne troube pas les 
> dlls qui sont dans ce directory.
> Je suis tres triste par ce probleme.
> Merci beaucoup pour votre response qui j´espere avec patience...

The text above:

"I can compile my software with WinXP and GtkAda-2.2, but if I want
to execute it there's an error: unable to locate a required dll.

My path=C:\... (to the libs) is set but the system cannot find the
libraries in that directory."

The remaining part of the text is just padding :)

mail: adi at thur.de  	http://adi.thur.de	PGP: v2-key via keyserver

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