[gtkada] GtkAda-2.2.0 - testgtk build still blows up on canvas...

Bobby D. Bryant bdbryant at mail.utexas.edu
Fri Jul 4 16:20:23 CEST 2003

% make
gnatgcc -c -g -O2 -gnata -gnatws -I../src -I../src/opengl -Iopengl 
create_canvas.adb:517:07: invalid parameter list in call (use -gnatf 
for details)
create_canvas.adb:565:07: invalid parameter list in call (use -gnatf 
for details)
gnatmake: "create_canvas.adb" compilation error
make[1]: *** [testgtk] Error 4

Easily worked around by commenting out the three lines containing the 
word 'canvas' in testgtk/main_windows.adb to remove the canvas demo 
from testgtk.  The rest of the demo works, as does my own GTK2 test 

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

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