[gtkada] ANNOUNCE: GtkAda 2.2.0 release

Gautier de Montmollin gdemont at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 4 01:19:16 CEST 2003


# There have been major API changes between Gtk+ 1.2 and Gtk+ 2.0 in order
# to clean up some improper or incomplete APIs. GtkAda followed naturally 
# changes.

# There are clearly major changes between 1.2 and 2.x, for the better.
# These major changes are sometimes needed in order to move forward and 
# things.

# Note that there should be much less API breakage in future releases (e.g.
# 2.0 and 2.2 are almost 100% compatible).

BTW: the version for MS Windows seems to make a better (more direct) use
of the native graphical components. Is it just a "look" or is it effective ?

PS: an idea for GtkAda: porting TeXCAD
http://www.mysunrise.ch/users/gdm/texcad.htm ...

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