[gtkada] ANNOUNCE: GtkAda 2.2.0 release

T. Kurt Bond tkb at tkb.mpl.com
Thu Jul 3 16:52:56 CEST 2003

Arnaud Charlet writes:
> GtkAda 2.2.0 release
> --------------------


> A binary package is also provided with this release for Windows
> platforms.

Also excellent!  The installation was simple and painless, a great
improvement over what I went through to get the source from CVS

Just to note something that was not mentioned in the readme: the
Windows binary distribution includes in the bin subdirectory a
gtkada-config shell script.  If you change the "prefix=" line to point
to where you installed the distribution then the shell script works
properly, something very useful to those using Cygwin or MinGW32/MSYS.

T. Kurt Bond, tkb at tkb.mpl.com

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